McGauvran Center at UMass Lowell

The comprehensive renovation of McGauvran Center was a multifaceted effort to turn a concrete and brick building into a thriving hub of activity. As a popular landmark on campus, it required a new name and a new identity that students and faculty could associate with. UMass Lowell blue was brought prominently onto the building exterior, building directories, and interior lobbies on each floor. Bold graphic gestures with oversized type accentuated the importance of directory information in this complex building with multiple programs. Blade signs on the exterior and medallions on the directories highlight the retail locations on the second floor. Food stations, each with their own unique food offerings, were named and branded with unique logotype and dimensional lettering inspired by the food concepts and ingredients. The result is a building that decidedly belongs to UMass Lowell and has become the new heartbeat of South Campus.

Completed while at Bergmeyer.

Zo Restaurant Group

